What 3BM Means to Me (Sam)

Sam G
3 min readSep 27, 2021

I was meditating earlier and got to my gratitude portion and 3BM is and always will be at the top. Trey (1/3 of 3BM) wrote one of these for our Patreon fam, and I absolutely loved it. I have some thoughts about what 3BM means, and I wrote them. I don’t want to talk about the history of how we met and became friends. Trey explains all of this very well in his essay. However, I will talk about how amazing, loving, patient and kind these gentlemen are. I will talk about how they have been everything I didn’t know I wanted in friends.

I’ve known Rob the longest, almost 2 years now. It’s like I’ve known him all my life, sometimes, simply because he gets me. Rob has challenged me in so many ways… many of them I have yet to answer, but he challenges me lol. Rob is probably the most caring and genuine person I know; I think many people know this, but they don’t know to the extent. Rob is the type of friend that will celebrate you, and demand that you celebrate yourself. He’s not too pushy about it, but he’s stern.

Rob is a giver and a lover and so many other things that I wish you all could experience… well, with someone else because that’s my friend lol. Rob does not know, but his existence just ministers to me. He does so much for others, and he goes through so much himself, and I never hear him complain about any of it. Rob challenges me to explore my thoughts in writing and to just go with it, just because he wants to hear/read my thoughts on different subjects. He even bought me a pack of journals and pens so that I will write more prayers out. He has literally invested in my development from the jump, and I’m eternally grateful.

Trey is absolutely my guy; I truly love him. I absolutely love how comfortable he is with his blackness and being a Christian. Trey and I had the pleasure of hanging out together with family and yes, he is exactly like you see on twitter. He’s wise beyond his years and has amazing stories. Trey is absolutely a giver and a lover as well. Outside of being a Nets fan and using a knife to make a PB&J sandwich, he truly is an amazing friend.

Several times, Trey has helped me to stay present in my own frustrations and anger. He’s also helped me to explore some of my own thoughts by recommending readings. It’s pretty dope to talk to someone about something you’ve been thinking about but are still trying to make sense of, and they can recommend a book that speaks to what you’ve been wrestling with.

I said all of this to say that 3BM is everything to me. The Sam you interact with and hear on the podcast is a byproduct of 3BM. These two men have done more to encourage and help my development than many of my own previous pastors and leaders. They encourage me, correct me, challenge me and they love me. They love me very well and I know that’s just a reflection of who they are and God’s work in them. I’ve been able to have a nice front row balcony seat in watching them grow and it’s been inspiring. I truly love them and what we have developed.

But it’s becoming so much more than that. So many of you from around the globe interact with us and support us. It was a little uncomfortable at first because I’m used to not being seen or heard. 3BM has grown into a global community that has also been encouraging and loving and affirming. I’ve mentioned a few times to our Patreon supporters that God gives us what we need and, in this community, God has met so many needs that I didn’t know I had.

I’m forever grateful for Rob, Trey and everyone that listens to and supports 3BM because this has literally given me LIFE! I love you all!




Sam G

I write because its liberating…I have no audience to serve nor any organization to satisfy, only love to give words write and time to share…also, I’m Black!